Baby Booties Cupcakes


It’s been a while since I’ve posted…just wanted to pop on and show off the cupcakes I made for a baby shower we had at work. The cupcakes were red velvet with poured fondant, which I’ve made in the past (check out the link to see my original post on them). The baby booties are made from modeling chocolate and were pretty easy to do:

Roll a ball about the size of a small grape and flatten it slightly with your finger. Then roll a smaller ball and put on top of the large flat piece. Make a spherical indentation at the top using a ball fondant tool. Then use a wooden BBQ skewer to make the stitching along the sole and the ribbing along the top of the bootie. You can make bows too, but I found this to be really difficult with modeling chocolate since you need to work with such a small piece and it melts quickly.




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